Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Media- How has Social Media Effected Children and Adolescents

Hello CIS class. My topic for our upcoming research project is "how has social media effected children and adolescents in our society". I have a special interest in this topic because I have a younger sister that is eight and   a half years old. As I was growing up I had no idea about computers because in each grade they had like four or five computers. Plus, even as I went on to junior high school, research done on the computer was not considered credible. Therefore I did not become familiar with computers till my high school years and learned more as I came into college. In my sisters case, she is already very computer savvy. She always plays games on the computer and has an email address. Sometimes when I go to Facebook, I see kids as young as my sister with a profile. I feel that social media has spread so widely that now even kids are on it and I presume that it is definitely not a secure place for them. My concern for my sister has led me to take this topic as my research project.


  1. I believe this is a great topic for a research paper. I could relate because I actually did a presentation for my communication class dealing with how computers can affect children. You have a good incentive and motivation for this project and I hope it goes well! Good luck!

  2. I like how you found this topic through personal observation. It is very interesting how the new generations are at ease when using those tools. However, like you said, there are a lot of risks involved for them, which is indeed frightening. I think that since they are at such ease with new technologies, our role is to explain to the youth the risk involved with their use. I also thing it will be interesting to see how our little brothers and sisters' children are going to handle new technologies!

    Good luck on your paper!!
