Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog about Twitter

I personally would have never opened a twitter account if it weren't for my CIS class. The reason why I dislike twitter is because of its words. I realize that it's called twitter for a reason and the updates are tweets but still, 140 symbols including spaces is way to limited for me. And for this reason it would be very difficult to have an informing discussion on twitter. If I have to tweet five times to get my point across, then it just becomes a hassle. Unless you are on your phone all day (which I am not), its very hard to complete a discussion fully there.
Blackboard discussions are a lot more comprehensive and detailed. I feel like a discussion on blackboard would be more informing than one made on twitter because there isn't that limitations on words that you can use. Blackboard discussion board is similar to twitter in the way that its setup where one persons writing is on top of another but you have to actually click on the writing on blackboard to read the whole writing that someone wrote.
A face to face discussion would work best for me because I think I can get my point across most easily by talking to someone. You have that physical interaction that you sometimes need while discussing a certain topic. Therefore, classroom discussions, I feel, is a great way to learn new ideas or catch new points or even to just have a discussion.

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